Betta splendens, or betta fish (their common name), are a huge genus of fish, commonly called Siamese fighting fish.  These phenomenal fish are generally quite bold in color, and are also  a few inches in length.  Bettas are in the anabantoid family because of their unique labyrinth organ.  Bettas are frequently referred to as Siamese fighting fish in reference to their extremely violent actions when around other betta fish.  This is the main reason male bettas are usually kept by themselves in their own tank. [;u=278786;sa=summary check it out]
 While maintaining a betta aquarium, you have to be certain to include several living plants with it. Living plants use the potential to retain the water surroundings nice and clean. Thereby, the fishes will be able to preserve a fresh and healthy living. In reality, plants are likewise favored by the fishes for one more reason. These plant life have long foliage and the fishes utilize the duel. They wish to treat themselves while playing with these plants. At nighttime, they often times sleep between leaves of such plants and therefore, get nearer to water surface area for their individual betterment. [ click for more info]
 Male betta fish should not be housed together.  The male bettas aggressive demeanor will result in constant fighting, damage and even death.  Furthermore, male betta fish will continually attack female betta fish.  You should never house a male and female in the same aquarium, unless you're attempting to make breed.  Female bettas are the exception.  Females can be kept in groups of 3 to 7 as long as the tank is adequately sized.  You want to make sure you have a lot of spaces to hide in the aquarium.  However, most betta fish are able to be be housed in the same tank as some different breeds of fish.  Also, there are several things to consider in addition to compatible tank mates, the fish also have to require the same water levels as well.
 Considering their brutal attitude, it's no big shock they are carnivorous fish.  Being that they feed from the surface, they have mouths that point up.  In the wild, they feed on larvae of mosquitoes and other aquatic bugs, plus brine shrimp.  If you can get your betta fish to accept them, betta specific food pellets are a quick and inexpensive food.  Even though it is true that most betta flakes and pellets offer the same ingredients, it is important to get a high quality brand.  It's possible to use frozen mosquito larvae and brine shrimp to feed your fish.
 In the wild, a female betta and male betta join together to breed.   betta fish spreads out his fans and flares his gills to try to arouse the female.  The female actually darken in color if she is excited.  A bubble nest will be built at the waters surface by the male.  Once the nest is constructed, the female will drop her eggs, and the male will fertilize them.  The male betta fish uses his mouth to gather all of the fertilized eggs and put them gently into the nest of bubbles.  The eggs will remain in the safety of the nest of bubbles while they hatch and are able to swim on their own.
 Lots of people say that bettas live just a few years, but in a well cared for living space, bettas typically live to be as old as 8 years.  Just like any other living creature, you have to be sure to provide them with an adequate house and food.  Bettas are an incredible fish, but they're pretty aggressive and should be housed  in an appropriate home.

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